How I earn
50-200k monthly
from the
comfort of
my phone



We live in disturbing times with failing economies. If you have just one source of income or you feel you earn a decent income, you are one decision or disaster away from reality. What ever you do, student, Worker in private or public or you just started your Youth Service (for those in Nigeria) this is for you. and incase you are used to denying yourself opportunities for a later regret, NO EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED. Simple learn and earn.Stop taking financial risks with 'ponzi' schemes' and actually get real and new skills that you can use and earn money easily from the comfort of your phone. I always say, if your phone isn't earning you cash, then you are pressing it wrong.


With so many internet skills available, one would wonder why people fail so much in internet businesses.
here's why

Yes, I said it! traditional online earning required a lot of skills.
GOOD NEWS, with advancement in technology, it takes simple knowledge of what to do to earn major money.
To many times, when people think on online earning, first thoughts go to ponzi schemes.
While Ponzi schemes are based on no skill or training earning with no base or true foundation, a lot of times with hidden owners, These are actual skills. And it's not MLM (Multi level marketing) where you have to bring others but actual skills that leave you better while also teaching you step by step how to make good money from comfort in no time.
this is the very reason you need this. because you need income that you don't spend all your hours to make. Also you need to give yourself some time to learn and make money well.
bonus is, with what I am about to show you, time demand is relatively low
This list would never be complete without the boss. FEAR. This Joy killer has robbed too many people off opportunities. I most admit, I am one of them.
I got into most of these over a year after I heard about them. I watched and watched till everyone around me was very successful and I was looking for aid. Well, all that has changed but DONT BE ME. you can start from NOW!!


If what you want is quick fix Ponzi then this is where you exit. I don't do Ponzi. I want you to get real transferable skills. Note! these are not newly invented income streams. These income methods have been in existence and millions of people make easy money each day because of information and them knowing how to make it work for them. That is what I am bringing to you!!
Here are some top skills that can learn and earn you millions with listed below

  1. Affiliate Marketing

  2. Amazon KDP

  3. Mini Importation Business

  4. Social Media Marketing/Manager

  5. Web and graphic design

Again, remember NO PRIOR SKILL IS NEEDED. You would be properly shown step by step how to get the perfect result and would get to meet and network with people like you that are now earning big!!!


Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing where you are paid for referring products to people that buy.
So why Expertnaire? What's the truth about Expertnaire?
Expertnaire is the leading affiliate marketplace in Nigeria and West Africa with over 100 high valued products and thousands of affiliate that are paid every Friday, as much as 50% per product. So if a product is N30,000, you can get as much as N15,000 as commission. On Expertnaire, there are products that can earn you as much as N50,000 in commission! and that's not the catch.You see, with the trainings you would get when you join Expertnaire, in no time, earning becomes relatively a work over. Now this is why we have numerous lives changed and people earning as much a 50k-1million a week.This is big!!!
and all this done from the comfort of your phone or laptop!
You can also set up systems that would enable you earn even why you sleep.(Learn this in my Free Master Class).
and you would get a free gift from me.


A man was passing by elephants, he noticed something shocking. The huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.He saw a trainer nearby and asked why the animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away and trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”95% if the fears and limitations you experience are mental and exist from past experiences. 80% of the time, those limitations cant stop you.The animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.DON'T BE STUCK, CLICK ONE OF THOSE BUTTONS NOW!!!


This program, which was made by an accomplished and successful Amazon KDP expert, teaches you how to do publish books and make over 70% royalties. GUESS WHAT!!! YOU DONT HAVE TO WRITE A BOOK!!!. no fraud, no cheating, just using easy, simple resources.Amazon KDP means Amazon Kindle publishing. every month, Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, pays people around the world get thousands of dollars and no country is left out. All this and more is what you get in the Amazon KDP course.

This is someone's earning on amazon kdp for just one month. A chat with her revealed that she just followed the training and published 6 books. The training doesn't only teach you how to make it work for you, but which types of books to publish, how to go about each step. This is beyond a quick YouTube video talking about key points. this is a complete guide. step by step. and its also a very in demand product at Expertnaire.


Importer, Exporter, A lot of Dollars. Sounds great right? learn all that you need to know about mini foreign trade business and earn big with it. This is a deep tutorial that would train you in all that you need to know thought by leading experts with over 15 years experience. This would teach you how to get your market and products and all that you need to know to establish trade.
If you are already into importation, then this is what you need to take your business to amazing heights and numbers. If you are looking to start, then there is no limit to where this would take you


Free lancing simply means working on your own and not directly for a particular company. Freelancing is not a new term but there is so much more attached to it now.
with so many free lancing jobs and sites available, you are literally spoilt for choice. from graphic design to social media managing to web designer and all this without learning hard skills. but the catch is you need to know how best to be productive and maximize effort else you would have the skills and still come out empty.
THAT RESULT IS WHAT YOU ARE HERE TO CHANGE. With leading and top earning freelancers giving well broken down step by step guides to become a successful freelancer, platforms to sell yourself on and what to do on those platforms to increase visibility and actually get a job!
Whether you have done this before or not or you have prior knowledge there is something in there for you that can catapult you to unthinkable heights and help you start earning major.